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Our specialist Residential Aged Care project management consultants can assist through every step of the
development and management process.

Once a potential site has been sourced and surveyed, our specialists will develop a concept design that best suits the site. This site-specific draft concept will address the culturally significant aspects of the region and provide the technical foundation for progression of the finer detailed working drawings. These will be the ‘blueprints’ to manage and deliver the project through all the aspects of construction, to turn-key delivery and ultimate handover of the project.


The experience acquired by our sister operations in Australia, has afforded us the opportunity to develop realistic and accurate budgets, based on a per bed or per square metre estimates in the region of your choice.


Our specialist Australian architects will work with nominated local urban planners, to maximise the yield for the project, and in doing so provide the necessary drafts to progress the fine tuning of the final construction drawings, quantity surveying and final fit-out costing. This second stage of working drawings will address traffic egress, staff and public security access, location of plant and services, parking and service vehicle access requirements, plumbing, communications and electrical, landscape design, furnishings, fixtures and fittings.


Our quantity surveyors will provide a comprehensive list of requirements from carpet and light fittings to spoons and chopsticks, in one neat package, designed to meet the strict AAA Care formula and the specific project.

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